Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Symptoms for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can vary in their severity. For some it’s an occasional experience but if you find your IBS impacting on your daily activities, then it is worth speaking to your doctor. Symptoms include the following:
- Pain or discomfort in your tummy. Discomfort varies a great deal too, you may have a constant dull ache, get regular tummy cramps or get sharp pain. The pain may be okay after going to the toilet or may result soon after eating.
- Differences in your bowel movements or habits – Your stool may vary consistently and can change between constipation and diarrhoea. Sometimes you may want to go to the toilet often or may have problems going.
- Your tummy may look and/or feel bloated.
- IBS symptoms can often include tiredness, indigestion feelings, feeling sick and backache. Trouble with sleeping and also regular headaches.
You may find it difficult to talk about your IBS but it is important to discuss any concerns you have with your GP.